About Jennifer
She is an award winning, self taught pastel artist who has a fascination and an insatiable desire to paint water in all its forms (clouds, water and ice)
Light provides the ever changing ingredient to enhance and display water in all its glory, so whether its the sea providing the biggest mirror to reflect and flaunt the magnificent colours in a sunset, or light illuminating the neon blue in icebergs, or the sun shinning through the crest of a wave, Jennifer loves to capture all these beautiful images with her unique way with soft pastels.
She uses the palms of her hands and her fingers to rub, blend and manipulate the pastels on the paper, resulting in a delicate mix of detail and drama in her vibrant paintings/drawings.The simpleness of soft pastels, no preparation just pick them up and off you go is what draws her to this medium and the bigger the paper the better! Jennifer spends hours studying and photographing the sea, she becomes mesmerised and entranced by the rhythmic motion of the rise and fall of waves and is always amazed by the variety of textures that are created in one full cycle of a wave, from the vain streaked, glassy, transparent centre to the splashy spray to the silky foam aftermath. Jennifer is out in all weathers observing this natural beauty/beast before she goes back to her studio to paint her moments on paper. She already has a life time of material and she says she doesn't think she will ever have enough hours.
As a child Jennifer spent a lot of time with her family at the beach, not in the water with the others but hunting for treasures in the rocks and sand. Her fascination with nature then was in the detail of a shell or the pattern on a feather. Now her passion for the natural world run's much deeper and she wants to share what she sees with everyone. Art touches and reaches people more than we realise and Jennifer hopes that she can give pleasure whilst stirring a deep passion in people to cherish, be grateful and thankful for the amazing planet we live on.
"The essence of all beautiful art, of all great art is gratitude"
(Fredrich Nietzsche)